Town of Liberty Board Meeting

Liberty Town Hall

February 10, 2025

6:30 PM

Board members present: Chair Orlin Engh, Supervisor Bill Townsley, Treasurer Chris Abrahamson, Clerk Sharon Engh and Supervisor Amelse.

  1. The meeting was called to order by Chair Engh at 6:30 pm
  2. Supervisor Townsley moved that we accept the minutes as written from January 13, 2025, seconded by Supervisor Amelse, all in favor, motion carried. 
  3. Treasurer’s Report: Chris went over his report, and it is on file.
  4. Dumpster Monitor’s report: Paul said this Saturday, the 15th, the Country Critters 4H group will be doing a food drive for the LaFarge food pantry.  Please bring non-perishable and non-expired food to the dump.
  5. Equipment Report: The new truck is here, has been used and needs a few tweaks of improvement.
  6. Building Permit update: There were none
  7. First public comment: None
  8. Town Announcements: We had an update on the innovation grant from both Chair Engh, and Chris.  It is meant to be for hiring people to help write grants and consolidating services.  We don’t need this right now. The WTA meeting was help at the Sherriff’s department.  Chris went and asked about the culvert project.  We are waiting for the state inspector to come through. There is an election on the 18th for the state superintendent, it is a primary election. The Fire board met and hired a new administrator.  The next Fire board meeting is in March.
  9. Citation ordinance updates: Chris is still working with the town attorney and will have updates in March.
  10. There was discussion for the second round of the community grant money.  Supervisor Amelse made the motion that we write the grant asking for $5000 for new fire signs for the Town.  Chair Engh seconded, passed.
  11. Old dump land discussion: This topic has been indefinitely tabled.  There is not a possibility for camp sites. 
  12. Comprehensive planning committee: Kristi Deaver has been added to the committee.  A sheet with information and possible meeting days was acquired. 
  13. Recreational permit updates: Chris had sent out by email prior to the meeting a copy of the letter and the application to get a recreational permit.  He will send a certified letter to the two residents that will need this.
  14. Dark Sky ordinance:   Supervisor Townsley made the motion that we accept the updated version that Scott Lind wrote with the new lighting and updates of wording.  Supervisor Amelse seconded; motion carried. 
  15. Second Period for public comment: Mike Mueller asked if he could get some people who might be interested in the boring project for the water.  He will give them Chair Engh’s information. Once we know the cost, possibly do a community event to raise money.
  16. Supervisor Amelse moved that we approve paying the monthly bills of $4,541.50.  Chair Engh seconded, all in favor motion carried.
  17. Future agenda items: Citation Ordinance, Comprehensive planning committee, Dates for the future, BOR, Open book, and anything given to the clerk.
  18. Next meeting date is March 10, 2025, 6:30pm
  19. The meeting was moved to adjourn by Chair Engh at 7:29PM ,  seconded by Supervisor Townsley. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Sharon Engh