Town of Liberty Board Meeting

Monday, October 14, 2024

Liberty Town Hall—6:30 PM

E10491 Gore Hollow Rd

Viola, WI 54664

  1.  Call the meeting to order by Chair Engh
  2. Approval of board meeting minutes from July 2024
  3. Treasurer’s report:  Chris, read by Sharon
  4. Dumpster Monitor’s report: Paul
  5. Equipment and Road report: Orlin
  6. Building permit update
  7. First time for public comment:  5 minutes
  8. Town Announcements:
  9. Updates on the County-Wade Lawler
  10. Hazardous Mitigation decision
  11. Citation ordinance update
  12. Budget updates and set the date for the budget public meeting (Oct 24, 6:30pm)
  13. Zoning update
  14. Painting bid accepted
  15. The board may call for closed session to discuss the final status of the patrolman
  16. Reconvene in open board meeting with the action from closed session
  17. Updates on Capital projects and Vernon County Community Development grants
  18. Second period for public comment
  19. Approval of Monthly bills
  20. Future agenda items
  21. Next meeting
  22. Adjourn

All items will have discussion and possible action