Monday, August 14, 6:30pm
Liberty Town Hall
E10491 Gore Hollow Rd, Viola, WI 54664
- Call meeting to order – Chairman Orlin Engh presiding
- Approve minutes of 7/10/2023
- Treasurer’s report
- Discussion and possible action regarding the savings account
- Recycling Attendant report
- First period for public comment (limit of 5 minutes)
- Town Announcements
- Discussion and possible action regarding insurance-Kevin
- Update regarding the intersection of Hwy. 56 and Gore Hollow Road
- Discussion about North Illusion Drive-Bryan and Jess
- Discussion and possible action regarding updating Town of Liberty town hall and wash bay for the town shed.
- Discussion and possible action regarding winter road maintenance
- Discussion and possible action regarding updating roads report
- Discussion and possible action regarding the new truck
- Review & approval on monthly bills.
- Review of building permits.
- Second period for public comment (limit of 5 minutes).
- Next meeting date
- Future agenda items
- Adjourn