Liberty Town Hall
March 10, 2025
6:30 PM
Board members present: Chair Orlin Engh, Supervisor Bill Townsley, Treasurer Chris Abrahamson, Clerk Sharon Engh and Supervisor Amelse.
- The meeting was called to order by Chair Engh at 6:30 pm
- Supervisor Amelse moved that we accept the minutes as written from February 10, 2025, seconded by Supervisor Townsley, all in favor, motion carried.
- Treasurer’s Report: Chris went over his report, and it is on file.
- Dumpster Monitor’s report: Paul said with no objections from the board that he will order 2 40-yard dumpsters for the spring clean-up on May 10th.
- Road Report: Allen reported that the roads are getting cleaned up and they are getting ready for summer by putting away the winter road equipment. Orlin reported that the road bans will go into effect tomorrow.
- Building Permit update: Susan O’Brian was issued a building permit for the shed she is buying and moving from Danny Deaver’s to put on her property on the North side of Hwy. S.
- First public comment: Paul asked about gravel and when it would be available for public purchase. Orlin said not until the road bans are off.
- Town Announcements: Vernon County has finished their comprehensive plan, and it is available to read on their website. The election on February 18th went okay, we only had 41 voters for the primary. Next election is April 1st, and we hope to have a better turnout for this one.
- Town of Liberty comprehensive planning committee: Carrie Vanek will get a hold of the committee members and set up the first meeting. Orlin feels we need to update the maps, and the population numbers. Once the meeting date is decided it will be posted in 3 places, so the public has knowledge and is welcome to participate.
- Citation ordinance updates: Chris read the changes that were made which are on file. Supervisor Amelse moved to approve the new changes to the citation ordinance, Chair Engh seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
- Calendar of Events: Spring election is April 1, 2025, from 7am-8pm. Annual meeting is April 15th, with the board meeting immediately following at the Town Hall. Open Book is April 25th from 4pm-6pm. Board of Review is May 2, 2025, from 5pm-7pm.
- Planning on Gravel Bids: An ad will go into the paper for bids. Needing 1500 yards, with quotes on delivery and non-delivery. It will run for two weeks and be decided on at the April board meeting.
- Approval of Liquor license for Elk Run school: Dan and Kristy Blakely would like to serve wine at their future events. It was brought to the board’s attention that we are only allowed two liquor licenses for the Town of Liberty, and this may not be possible. It was also listed wrong on the agenda, so will need to wait until April. Sharon will investigate the number of licenses that can be had in the Town of Liberty. It was tabled until April.
- Illusion Drive: Supervisor Amelse moved that a letter be sent to the property owners to move their shed that is on the property adjoining them, and it should state that we have worked with the WTA lawyers and are taking their advice. We are asking for cooperation to move the shed, ask for an easement from the other property owner, or buy the land it is on. We will offer to meet with them if they would like. The letter will be sent by certified mail with a 30-day deadline. Second, Supervisor Townsley, all in favor motion carried.
- Second Period for public comment: Allen asked about a summer gathering for the Town of Liberty. We all agreed that it would be nice to do. He and Dan Blakely will work on this and report back in April
- Supervisor Amelse moved that we approve paying the monthly bills of $28,291.80. Chair Engh seconded, all in favor motion carried.
- Future agenda items: Summer gathering, liquor license, gravel bids, Illusion Dr., Installation and oath of officers/office, comprehensive plan.
- Next meeting date is April 15th, 6pm for Annual meeting, board meeting immediately following.
- The meeting was moved to adjourn by Chair Engh at 7:48PM, seconded by Supervisor Townsley. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Engh