Monday, February 10, 2025
Liberty Town Hall—6:30 PM
E10491 Gore Hollow Rd
Viola, WI 54664
All items will have discussion and possible action
- Call the meeting to order by Chair Engh
- Approval of board meeting minutes from January meeting
- Treasurer’s report: Chris
- Dumpster Monitor’s report: Paul
- Equipment and Road report: Allen and Orlin
- Building Permit updates: Chris
- First time for public comment: 5 minutes
- Town Announcements: Innovation grant, update from WTA Meeting
- Citation ordinance update
- Decision for 2nd round of community grant money
- Old dump land discussion
- Progress of the comprehensive planning committee
- Recreation permits discussion
- Dark Sky ordinance voting and signatures
- Second period for public comment-5 minutes
- Approval of Monthly bills
- Future agenda items
- Next meeting
- Adjourn