Town of Liberty Caucus

Monday, January 13, 2025

Liberty Town Hall—6:00 PM

E10491 Gore Hollow Rd

Viola, WI 54664

  1.  Caucus is called to order by Chair Engh
  2. The caucus will be led by Paul Linskins
  3. Adjourn caucus

Regular meeting starts immediately after

All items will have discussion and possible action

  1.  Call the meeting to order by Chair Engh
  2. Approval of board meeting minutes from December meeting
  3. Treasurer’s report:  Chris
  4. Dumpster Monitor’s report: Paul
  5. Equipment and Road report: Allen and Orlin
  6. Building Permit updates: Chris
  7. First time for public comment:  5 minutes
  8. Town Announcements:  Report from Special meeting held on December 28th, 2025, Innovation grant
  9. Wade Lawler with County updates
  10. Citation ordinance update
  11. Ideas for the 2nd round of community grant money
  12. Old dump land discussion
  13. Progress of the comprehensive planning committee
  14. Recreational permits discussion
  15. Dark Sky ordinance discussion-Scott Lind
  16. Second period for public comment-5 minutes
  17. Approval of Monthly bills
  18. Future agenda items
  19. Next meeting
  20. Adjourn