Liberty Town Hall
December 9, 2024, 6:30 pm
Board members present: Chair Orlin Engh, Supervisor Bill Townsley, Treasurer Chris Abrahamson, Clerk Sharon Engh Excused: Supervisor Amelse.
- The meeting was called to order by Chair Engh at 6:30 pm
- Supervisor Townsley moved that we accept the minutes as written from November 11, 2024, seconded by Chair Engh, all in favor, motion carried.
- Treasurer’s Report: Chris went over his report, and it is on file.
- Dumpster Monitor’s report: Paul said he had nothing to report
- Equipment Report: The plow and wing were put on, the V-plow was put on the grader. There were minor repairs done to the dump truck and truck.
- First public comment: Paul L. wanted to know if we do indeed own the property at the old quarry. Is there a possibility that we could sell? Chair Engh will look into it further and report back at the January meeting.
- Town Announcements: Chris reported that he went to the county meeting and they are 99% done with their comprehensive plan, and the first draft should be available at the end of January. They will be looking for feedback from county residents. They are hoping to adopt a county wide zoning in February. The county has also awarded another $150,000 for the community grant program. They will be awarding this in March-April. At the January meeting we will look at putting together a comprehensive planning committee.
- 2025 mill rate and tax collections and dog license: Chris handed out a report on this, it is on file. He will be at the Town Hall on Dec. 28th from 10-2 to collect taxes and do dog licenses.
- Recreational Permits: Chris brought up the Recreational permits, how proactive do we want to be? Should we be sending out something to the residents for feedback? It will be on the agenda for January.
- Updates on Citation ordinance: There were no updates
- AARPA funds expended to date and future commitments: We have spent $17,613 to date on Chairs, wash Bay, new furnace, exterior lights and voting booths. In the paring we will spend $7500 on a deck, $4000 painting inside and out of the Town Hall, and $1000 on new carpet. We will still have $220 left.
- Dark Sky Ordinance: We will have this on the January agenda
- Second period for public comment: Allen M questioned what we could use the Community grant money for. Chris answered. Mike M questioned what the quarry land was worth. We will look into it.
- Chair Engh moved that we approve paying the monthly bills of $39, 364.03. Supervisor Townsley seconded, all in favor motion carried.
- Future agenda items: The Caucus will be happening at 6pm before the Board meeting, quarry land, projects or the new community grants, Dark sky ordinance, volunteers for the comprehensive planning, recreational permits and citation ordinance.
- Next meeting date is January 13, 2025 with the caucus starting at 6pm and the board meeting immediately after at the Town Hall
- Meeting was moved to adjourn by Supervisor Townsley, seconded by Chair Engh meeting adjourned by 7:21 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Engh