Town of Liberty Board Meeting Minutes

Liberty Town Hall

October 14, 2024, 6:30 pm


Board members present: Chair Orlin Engh, Supervisor Bill Townsley, , Clerk Sharon Engh, Supervisor Amelse Chris was excused

  1. The meeting was called to order by Chair Engh at 6:30 pm
  2.  Supervisor Amelse moved that we accept the minutes as written from September 9, 2024, seconded by Supervisor Townsley, all in favor, motion carried.
  3. Treasurer’s Report: Sharon read the report, Chris was absent, it will be put on file.
  4. Dumpster Monitor’s report: Paul said it was real successful turnout for clean-up days.  A smashing turnout.   He thanked everyone.
  5. Equipment Report: One piece of equipment had the exhaust manifold gasket replaced and it now runs quieter.  It has been too dry to do any blading.  Chadwick Hollow had brush cut along the road.
  6. Building permit update; No report
  7. First public comment: there was none.
  8. Town Announcements: Supervisor Amelse moved to accept the Driftless Humane Society’s contract.  Seconded by Chair Engh, motion carried. The Vernon County Health department has water testing kits for $25 if anyone is interested. The county is also having a spring tree sale, brochures were available. The local WTA meeting is the 24th at 6:00 at the Court house.
  9. Wade Lawler’s updates:   The dams will be decommissioned, except for Jersy Valley, that one will be rebuilt. They are still looking for a finance director.  They will be having a new email, it will be for the domain name.  The full board meeting will be on Thursday, the 24th with a full agenda: audit report, discussion about Bethan St. Joseph taking over the nursing homes, and talk about the proposed budget.
  10. Updates on Hazardous Mitigation Resolution: Supervisor Amelse moved that we accepted the Hazardous Mitigation plan from the County’s Emergency Hazard Office, Supervisor Townsley seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
  11. Citation Ordinance updates: There was none to share
  12. Special meeting for budget updates: The public meeting for budget approval from the public is set for November 7, 2024, at 6:30, at the Town Hall.
  13. Updates on Zoning: There was quite a bit of discussion about verbiage, posting in places where everyone can see updates, meetings and voicing concerns.  It was decided that we would talk more about it in January of 2025.  We would also look over the Comprehensive plan and discuss this in November.
  14. Meeting was moved into closed session by Supervisor Amelse seconded by Supervisor Townsley for the purpose of final status of the patrolman per Wis. State 19.85. Motion carried
  15.  Supervisor Amelse moved to call the meeting back into open session, seconded by Chair Engh, motion carried.  It was decided they would hire Allen Mueller as the new patrolman.
  16. Painting and bid accepted: There were three bids presented.  Which are on file.  Supervisor Amelse moved that we accept the bid from Felton to do the inside and outside of the Town Hall, for $7500.  Chair Engh seconded, motion carried.
  17. Second period for public comment:  There is a Fire board meeting on Weds at 5pm at the Viola Fire station.  Terry Theis said he has lights to put up on the outside of the Town Hall to help with people leaving the building at night, it is on a timer system, and he would be happy to put those up. 
  18. Supervisor Amelse moved that we approve paying the monthly bills with $4295.00 coming out of the AARPA funds for the purchase of the furnace and the remaining $3423.29 coming out of the general fund. Supervisor Townsley seconded, all in favor motion carried.
  19. Future agenda items: Zoning updates, Nicole’s survey, Citation ordinance update, Scott Lind for the Dark Sky Ordinance, approval of the budget.
  20. Next meeting date is November 11th at 6:30pm at the Town Hall
  21. The meeting was moved to adjourn by Chair Engh at 7:43pm Supervisor Amelse, seconded all in favor motion carred.