Town of Liberty Board Meeting Minutes

Liberty Town Hall

June 10, 2024, 6:30 pm

Board members present:  Chair Orlin Engh, Supervisor Andrian Amelse, Supervisor Bill Townsley,  Treasurer Chris  Abrahamson, Clerk Sharon Engh

  1. The meeting was called to order by Chair Engh at 6:30 pm
  2. Supervisor Amelse moved that we accept the minutes as written from May 13, 2024, seconded by Chair Engh, all in favor, motion carried.
  3. Treasurer’s Report:  Chris went the report and it is on file.
  4. Dumpster Monitor’s report:  Paul said he had nothing to report
  5. Equipment Report:  All equipment is in working order. First round of mowing has been done. Spot graveling has been done on the roads, along with re-blading and re-ditching.  Currently Oak Dr. is a mess, should be and will be fixed.
  6. First public comment:  Wade Lawler, our county representative was in attendance.  He caught us up on several things happening in our district.  One was the dam decommissioning and where that process is at.  He listened to our concerns and said he would keep us updated.  The county is looking for a finance director, and they are thinking of management options for Vernon Manor.
    • Chris brought up the decommissioning of the dams again, and Wade did comment on his concerns.
  7. Town Announcements: We only got one estimate for a new furnace, from Hugh Oliver.  Only one person gave an estimate on putting a new ramp, deck and railing on the town hall.  We are still waiting for others.
  8. Chair Engh shared with us about the DOT LRT.  It is a 50/50 grant type of money.  It can be used for bridge work, local road improvements and assistance in rural transit.  We would like to pursue this and it will be discussed at the July meeting.
  9. Updates on the building permit: we discussed the first draft and talked about temporary shelters and how to word things.  We will have a final draft in July, have it go to the public in August and have it ready to go by September 1st, 2024.
    • Board of review ordinance for alternates and clerk presence was presented.  Supervisor Amelse moved to update the alternates for board of review, Supervisor Townsley seconded, all in favor motion carried. 
    • Supervisor Amelse moved to accept the ordinance stating the clerk that is hired at the time will be part of the board of review.  Supervisor Townsley seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
  10. Vernon County Community Development grants:  Chris informed us of the grant program.  You can ask for $10,000.  These are one/one grants for community projects.  The application is due in August and is awarded in November.  We will have possible projects in July and get to work on the application.
  11. New building permit person:  Orlin doesn’t want the job any further.  Chris Abrahamson said he would do it starting July 1st.  Supervisor Amelse moved that we appoint Chris Abrahamson as the new building permit person starting July 1, 2024, Supervisor Townsley seconded, all in favor, motion carried.  Supervisor Amelse thanked Orlin for doing the job for the past years.
  12. Hazardous Mitigation review:  There were lots of questions and discussions as to whether we should adopt this for our town.  We decided to invite Brandon Larson to our July meeting to get clear answers to our questions.
  13. Liquor license and servers approval for Liberty Bar and Viola Sportsman’s club:  Supervisor Townsley moved to approve the applications for both the Liberty Bar and Viola Sportsman’s club, Chair Engh seconded, motion carried.
  14. Second period for public comment:  None
  15. Supervisor Amelse moved to pay the monthly bills totaling $8,413.28.  Supervisor Townsley seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
  16. Future agenda items:  invite Brandon Larson, final draft of the building permit ordinance, grant and trip money projects, heating and building estimates.
  17. Next meeting date is July 8th, at 6:30pm at the Town Hall
  18. Meeting was moved to adjourn by Chair Engh, seconded by Supervisor Amelse, meeting adjourned by 8:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Sharon Engh