Liberty Town Hall
April 15, 2024 6:30 pm Minutes
Board members present: Chair Orlin Engh, Supervisor Andrian Amelse, Supervisor Bill Townsley, Treasurer Chris Abrahamson, Clerk Sharon Engh
- The meeting was called to order by Chair Engh at 6:30 pm
- Supervisor Amelse moved that we accept the minutes as written with the correction that the Board of Review is changed to May 7, 2024. Seconded by Chair Engh all in favor, motion carried.
- Treasurer’s Report: Chris went over the monthly bill and expenditures for the quarter and where we are in the budget. Everything is on file.
- Dumpster Monitor’s report: Paul said that spring clean-up day will be May 11th. 2 roll out dumpster will be available. Sharon still needs to follow through with Big Hook, but we aren’t in any hurry.
- Equipment Report: All equipment is in working order. Roads are in good condition
- First public comment: Paul was wondering why the Gore Hollow road was in such bad shape the day of the election. Orlin explained.
- Town Announcements: There were none
- Discussion on Viola Fire Association agreement re payments and cost recovery through Fire Protection Charge ordinance. Chris was just following up with the prestation that was given last month. We decided to move this to the May agenda and ask Kelly to join us.
- Update on gravel bids. We had one bid from Milestone. Supervisor Amelse moved that we accept the bid of $8.15 a ton and have another company haul the gravel we will receive 2025 ton total. Seconded by Chair Engh, all in favor motion carried.
- Update on Town Hall repairs- A new furnace is needed. We will be getting bids and finding out the expenses of getting a new one.
- Wash Bay updates: Randy has been notified and Orlin will check to see when it will start. Also, bids need to go out for the boring needing to be done. An ad will be put in the paper.
- Updates on the building permit and mobile home ordinances. Chris has offered to type up the new ordinance and have it ready for the June/July meetings. He will follow the Town of Webster’s ordinance as a guideline.
- Update on the Lock box situation- The key has been found and Orlin will look into it.
- Election updates: All went great! Everyone did a super job, the results were recoded and we had just about half of the town come and vote. We put out a volunteer sheet for future workers and we got a lot of interest.
- Board of review alternatives are needed for the ordinance. The current alternatives are no longer us. We will have them for approval at the May meeting.
- Second period for public comment: None
- Supervisor Amelse moved to pay the monthly bills totaling $6,659.63. Supervisor Townsley seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
- Future agenda items: Bridge report, Kelly from the fire association, furnace estimates, ARPA funds, Fire ordinance review, boring estimates, board of review alternatives, and whatever else is emailed to the clerk.
- Next meeting date is May 13th, at 6:30pm at the Town Hall
- Meeting was moved to adjourn by supervisor Amelse, seconded by Chair Engh, meeting adjourned by 8:14 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Engh