Liberty Town Hall
March 11, 2024
6:30 PM
Board members present: Chair Orlin Engh, Supervisor Adrian Amelse, Clerk Sharon Engh and Treasurer Chris Abrahamson Excused Absence: Supervisor Bill Townsley
- The meeting was called to order by Chair Engh at 6:32pm.
- Motion to approve the minutes from February 12, 2024, by Supervisor Amelse, seconded by Chair Engh all in favor motion carried.
- Treasurer’s report was read by Treasurer Abrahamson report is on file, with the correction of the two dividends from the money management account and the savings account.
- Dumpster Monitor’s report: Paul reported that we currently have 12 yards of waste and 8 yards of recycling. Also, we have a comingle dumpster as well. When the clerk checks with Big Hook for pricing, we need to find out where the waste goes. Also, the timing of when pick up is.
- Equipment Report: Orlin reported that all equipment is running properly.
- Town Announcements: Culvert inventory is finished, Chris and Orlin took care of it last week. Board of Review training is done for Sharon, and the alternates will be accepted at the April Meeting. Open book is April 30th from 12-2pm and Board of Review is April 7th from 6-8, both at the Town Hall.
- 1st period for public comment: Wade Lawler was at the meeting campaigning for his run at the County representative. Ole Yttri was also present to campaign for his current seat on the County Board.
- Discussion and possible action on unfinished business with Abt/Swain Law: All paperwork is signed and ready to be turned it. It will be finished by Friday.
- Matthew Albright was not present to talk about the County’s comprehensive plan, but Ole Yttri was there, and he gave us an update. The plan is on the website and can be read in its entirety. There is also a survey to fill out and is also on the website.
- Kickapoo referendum: Rich Jaynes was at the meeting to give information about the referendum that the Kickapoo schools would like to pass for their operating expenses. They too have all the information on their website. He said there is another listening session on March 19th at the school and starts at 9am.
- Fire Association report: Terry Theis and Ben Culver were present to update us on how things are going for the Viola Fire Association. They are still working on their set-up from the grant money they received. They have grant money to purchase new uniforms for new fire fighters, which they need to recruit 5 new ones a year, and 3 EMT’s. Ben Culver is the new fire chief, since Jeff Liska retired, and Jody Anderson is the assistant. There will be a public invitation for a chili supper and fire demonstrations on March 23rd from 4-7 at the fire station.
- We will not be doing the grant for the road improvements; it does not apply to us.
- Discussion and possible action regarding gravel bids: We will have our road work meeting and then decide how much gravel is needed and post/publish for bids.
- Discussion and possible action regarding wash bay bids: We received two bids for the wash bay work. One from Jacobson construction and the other from Parker Ple Buildings. Both were about the same in price. Supervisor Amelse moved that we proceed with Jacobson Construction at the price, and not to exceed, $14, 535. Seconded by Chair Engh, motion carried.
- Discussion and possible action on ordinance updates: Supervisor Townsley was not present, and it was agreed that we would continue the work at the roadwork meeting coming up.
- Discussion and possible action on roadwork meeting: Supervisor Townsley will be notified with some dates to see when he can meet. We hope to get this done soon.
- The lock box at the bank is missing the key to open it. We will need to pay $500-$1000 to get a hold drilled in it to get the contents. Sharon will do a thorough search for the key before we do any drilling.
- Discussion on storage containers: It has been brought up that there are an increasing number of storage containers being moved onto properties. We will put in the building permit ordinance that a permit is needed if it is going to be a permanent structure on the property.
- Second period for public comment: There was none.
- Approval of monthly bills: Supervisor Amelse moved that we pay the monthly bills of $3695 Chair Engh seconded, passed.
- Future Agenda items Ordinances, gravel bids, boring bids, lock box and BOR Alternatives.
- Next meeting will be at the Town Hall, at 6:30 pm, on April 8, 2024 and the annual meeting is April 16th at 6:30pm
- Supervisor Amelse moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 pm, Chair Engh seconded, passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Engh