Town of Liberty Board Meeting

Liberty Town Hall

February 12, 2024

6:30 PM


Board members present:  Chair Orlin Engh, Supervisor Bill Townsley, Clerk Sharon Engh and Treasurer Chris Abrahamson Excused Absence: Supervisor Andrian Amelse

  1. The meeting was called to order by Chair Engh at 6:32pm.  
  2.  Motion to approve the minutes from January 8, 2024, by Supervisor Townsley, seconded by Chair Engh all in favor motion carried.
  3. Treasurer’s report was read by Treasurer Abrahamson report is on file.
  4. Dumpster Monitor’s report:  Paul reported that even though there hasn’t been any misuse of the dumpster while they are outside, he would still like to see some kind of locking system on them.  He also encourages everyone to bring non-perishable food to the food drive on the 24th at the dump in support of the Country Critters 4-H group.   They will then donate it to the La Farge food pantry.
  5. Equipment Report:  Orlin reported that the new truck did great in all the snow we had.  We still needed to use the grader for winging back the roads, but all is good.
  6. First period for public comments:   Terry Theis said he would like to be on the March agenda for the fire board updates.
  7. Town Announcements:  Sharon reported that the election training is going well and will be done by the end of the week.  Sharon is going to the in-person training in Onalaska for the board updates and training, Orlin will be doing it virtually in March. 

There will be listening sessions for the Kickapoo referendum on March 2nd at the High school auditorium. 

Dog licenses will be collected through the treasurer throughout the remainder of the year.

The Culvert inventory will be done by Chris and Orlin, Chris will be taking the class required for the documentation.

8. Discussion and possible action on unfinished business with Abt/Swain Law:  Terry has given what he has for the finishing of the resolution.  Sharon will get the rest of the paperwork and hand it in by Monday.  This should be finished soon.

9. Discussion and possible action of statement about the decommissioning of the dams:  Chris still needs to work on it.  Asked a few more questions about the process and history.  Alsowanted clarification of some areas of the flooding.  He will get a rough draft out to us next week.

10. Discussion and possible action regarding gravel bids:  Because we only have $4000 budgeted for gravel this year, Orlin will talk to the people at the quarry and see how much that will cover.  We will discuss this at the March meeting.

11. Discussion and possible action regarding wash bay bids:  The announcement did not get in the paper; we need to decide exactly what needs to be said.  The chair and clerk will do this and we will discuss it at the next meeting.

12.Discussion and possible action on ordinance updates:  Everyone thought it was worded well, but we will postpone this until March, finish it, present it at a public meeting in April, vote on it at the annual meeting and publish it in May.

13. Discussion and possible action on roadwork meeting:  We will discuss in March when we have a full board.

14. Second period for public comment:  There was none.

15. Approval of monthly bills:  Chair Engh moved that we pay the monthly bills of $20,611.26.  Supervisor Townsley seconded, passed.  Chris reminded us that we will be sending out the second installment to the schools and colleges this week. 

16. Future Agenda items:  update on legal work progress, wash bay and town hall, safety deposit box, Matthew Albright about the county comprehensive plan, Terry Theis for the fire board, finish ordinance, Roadwork meeting, gravel bids.

17. Next meeting will be at the Town Hall, at 6:30 pm, on March 11, 2024 

18. Chair Engh moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 pm, Supervisor Townsley seconded, all in favor, motion carried.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Sharon Engh