13 November 2023, 6:30 pm
Liberty Town Hall
E10491 Gore Hollow Rd, Viola, WI 54664
- Call meeting to order by Chair Engh
- Approval of board meeting and public meeting
- Treasurer’s report: Chris
- Dumpster Monitor’s report: Paul
- First time for public comment- 5 minutes
- Town Announcements:
- Discussion and possible action accepting the budget for 2024
- Discussion on Drone use in the Town of Liberty
- Discussion and possible action about the ARPA funds
- Discussion and possible action about machinery on Ames Road and being in the right of way
- Update on Illusion drive
- Discussion and possible action on old fencing in the Town-Supervisor Amelse
- Discussion and possible action on contract for the Driftless Humane Society
- Discussion and possible action on wage increases for Dumpster monitor and election workers
- Approval of election workers for 2024
- Discussion and possible action on the future of our legal services
- Second period for public comment-5 minutes
- Approval of monthly bills
- Future Agenda items
- Next meeting
- Adjourn