Town of Liberty Board Meeting Agenda (13 Noveber 2023)


13 November 2023, 6:30 pm
Liberty Town Hall
E10491 Gore Hollow Rd, Viola, WI 54664

  1.  Call meeting to order by Chair Engh
  2. Approval of board meeting and public meeting
  3. Treasurer’s report: Chris
  4. Dumpster Monitor’s report: Paul
  5. First time for public comment- 5 minutes
  6. Town Announcements:
  7. Discussion and possible action accepting the budget for 2024
  8. Discussion on Drone use in the Town of Liberty
  9. Discussion and possible action about the ARPA funds
  10. Discussion and possible action about machinery on Ames Road and being in the right of way
  11. Update on Illusion drive
  12. Discussion and possible action on old fencing in the Town-Supervisor Amelse
  13. Discussion and possible action on contract for the Driftless Humane Society
  14. Discussion and possible action on wage increases for Dumpster monitor and election workers
  15. Approval of election workers for 2024
  16. Discussion and possible action on the future of our legal services
  17. Second period for public comment-5 minutes
  18. Approval of monthly bills
  19. Future Agenda items
  20. Next meeting
  21. Adjourn
