Town Of Liberty Board Meeting Minutes, 9 October 2023


Board members present:  Chair Orlin Engh, Supervisor Adrian Amelse, Clerk Sharon Engh, and Treasurer Chris Abrahamson

  1. The meeting was called to order by chair Engh at 6:30pm.
  2. Motion to approve the minutes from 9/11/2023 by Supervisor Amelse, with the correction of the public meeting change from Oct. 25th to Oct. 26th to review the budget for 2024.  Seconded by Chair Engh, all in favor, motion carried.
  3. The treasurer’s report was read and put on file.
  4. Dumpster Monitor’s report: Paul said there was a lot of good trash in the dumpsters and that town clean-up days is this Saturday the 14th.
  5. First period for public comments: Adrian said that he talked with the WTA about the use of the ARPA funds.  There was a link shared with the board members, and we have until December 2026 to spend it.  Adrian gave some suggestions and it will be put on the November agenda.

Paul talked about the turn around on Gore Hollow and how the new coordinates should be updated to the Google maps.

  1. Town Announcements: Update on Illusion Dr. was Kathy needs to update the Chair as to how things are going and that has not been done.  But, she is making an attempt to get things cleaned up.

The special meeting about the budget is that we will have a public meeting on Oct. 26th for public input and questions for the budget for 2024, right after that will be the meeting for the tax levy being raised.   Chris Abrahamson will be at the Town Hall starting Thursday night for a week from 6:00-7:00 PM to answer questions about the budget that is proposed.  November 9th we will approve the budget at our regular board meeting.

  1. Discussion and possible action regarding the town wash bay: No updates at this time
  2. Discussion and possible action about the machinery on the right away on Ames Road: The land owner has added to the machinery that is there and has made no attempt to move the items.  It was discussed that we would 1.  Write him a letter saying he has 30 days to move it out of the right of way, or 2. Call the Sherriff.  Chair Engh said he would call the Sherriff’s department.
  3. Discussion and possible action for the removal of old fencing in the Town right of way: Supervisor Amelse moved that we find out more information about it from the WTA, and then let the public know through the newsletter that will be put in the tax notices. Seconded by Chair Engh, motion carried.
  4. Discussion and possible action regarding the Town Hall renovations: No action was taken, but there was discussion about Randy Jacobson’s ideas.  We will talk more about it in future meetings.
  5. Second period for public comment: None
  6. Approval of monthly bills: Supervisor Amelse moved that we pay the monthly bills with the total of $7830.42. Seconded by Chair Engh, motion carried.
  7. Future Agenda items: Passing of the budget, wages for dumpster monitor and election workers, approving election workers, updates on Illusion Dr. and Ames road, ARPA funds, reports from the WTA Conference, legal meeting with Nikki, Humane Society Contract.
  8. Next meeting will be at the Town Hall, at 6:30 pm, on November 13, 2023
  9. Supervisor Amelse moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:23pm, seconded by Chair Engh all in favor, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Sharon Engh