11 September 2023
Liberty Town Hall, E10491 Gore Hollow, Rd, Viola, WI 54664
Board members present: Chair Orlin Engh, Supervisor Bill Townsley, Clerk Sharon Engh, Treasurer Chris Abrahamson
- The meeting was called to order by chair Engh at 6:30pm.
- The minutes were moved to approve for both the regular board meeting in August and the special board meeting with the correction that Chris was not at the special meeting by Chair Engh, seconded by Supervisor Townsley, all in favor motion carried.
- Treasurer’s Report: Chris presented his report, and it is put on file. The money management account was opened by Chris.
- Dumpster Monitor’s report: Paul let us know that there was about 10 yards of trash and 7 yards of recycling. There is also a wasp infestation that is being taken care of.
- First period for public comments: Mike Mueller presented two things, one was an application for the patrolman’s job, and some equipment information from Homesteaders.
Terry Theis informed us that the money management account will need a name.
He also said that the money for the Viola Fire station stays the same at $31,000 for the budget for next year.
Bryan asked about any updates happening on N. Illusion Dr.
- Town Announcements: There will be a special meeting on Sept. 21st, to continue the discussion about N. Illusion Dr.
The light load truck has been ordered and will be here by next week, hopefully.
- Discussion and possible action about the wash bay: No bids have come in yet.
- Discussion and possible action about the winter maintenance person: We have heard nothing back from him.
- Second period for public comment: None
- Approval of monthly bills: Chair Engh moved that we approve and pay the monthly bills for August. Supervisor Townsley seconded, all in favor motion carried.
- Future Agenda Items: update on Illusion Drive and the old truck
- Public meeting set for budget work: Public meeting will be on October 25th at 6:30pm at the Town Hall, with a working budget meeting on Oct 2nd at 6:30pm at the Town Hall. Our regular board meeting will be Oct. 9th, 6:30pm at the Town Hall, with the presentation of the budget at the November 9th meeting at 6:30pm at the Town Hall.
- Chair Engh moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:12pm, Seconded by Supervisor Townsley. All in favor, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Engh