21 September 2023
Liberty Town Hall, E10491 Gore Hollow, Rd, Viola, WI 54664
Board members present: Chair Orlin Engh, Supervisor Bill Townsley, Clerk Sharon Engh
- The meeting was called to order by chair Engh at 6:30pm.
- First period for public comments: Kathy mentioned that she wanted her side to be known and had 3 things to say, she is nice, she was there first, and they didn’t want her to change a thing. She mentioned several other things that have happened since that and wanted us to know about. She has encountered many major medical situations and is trying her best to clean up.
Others that were present wanted to know why the people who were complaining weren’t there.
It was stated that Kathy is a very nice person and would do anything to help someone in need.
- Discussion and possible action regarding N. Illusion Dr.: The first formal complaint was handed out to Kathy and Reva. There were questions asked about how they should deal with the clean-up and what they needed to do exactly. Chair Engh had gone up there and looked at things from the road. Much discussion was had as to the ordinance and how to stay in compliance, and also for the county ordinances.
Chair Engh moved that the property needs to be in compliance with the ordinance within 30 days from Sept 21, 2023, with a report emailed to him by Reva about the progress. Supervisor Townsley seconded all in favor, motion carried.
- Second period for public comment: None
- Chair Engh moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:14pm, Seconded by Supervisor Townsley. All in favor, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Engh