Town Of Liberty Board Meeting Minutes, August 14, 2023

August 14, 2023
Liberty Town Hall, E10491 Gore Hollow, Rd, Viola, WI 54664

Board members present:  Chair Orlin Engh, Supervisor Townsley, Supervisor Amelse Treasurer Abrahamson, Clerk Engh

The meeting was called to order by Chair Orlin Engh at 6:30pm.

  1. The minutes were approved to put on file by Supervisor Amelse, seconded by Chair Engh, all in favor, motion carried.
  2. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Abrahamson gave his report and is on file.
  3. Treasurer Abrahamson had a sheet about the different types of savings account, which is on file which one would prove to be the best interest building for us. Supervisor Amelse moved that we allocated $30,000 to create a new money management account at WCCU.  Chair Engh seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
  4. Dumpster Monitor Report: Paul reported that there was about 10 yards of household trash and about 7 ½ yards of recycling that was brought in.
  1. Public Comment: None
  1. Town Announcements: Clerk Engh reminded board members to sign up for the September workshops and the October workshops at the Kalahari.  The September one deals with the tax levy and budgeting and would be beneficial to all members.
  2. Discussion and Possible action regarding insurance: Kevin from Rural insurance was with us to talk about our policy and suggested some changes we might want to make.  It will be placed on the September agenda for further action needed.
  1. Discussion and possible action regarding the intersection of Hwy. 56 and Gore Hollow Road: Chair Engh left messages with the county supervisor and state supervisor in regard to this matter.  The next step is to call down to Madison and see what can be done.
  1. Discussion regarding North Illusion Drive: A letter will be sent to the landowner explaining the violation of the ordinance. A special meeting will be held with the land owner and the occupant on August 29th, at 6:30pm to talk about the violation and what needs to be done to fix it.
  1. Discussion and possible action regarding the town hall renovations: We came up with 3 things that could be done. Leave it as it and doctor it up, cobble it and try to keep it together, or move the town hall across the road.  Decision to be made in September.
  2. Discussion and possible action regarding winter road maintenance: Chair Engh talked with a man interested in doing the plowing and road work in the winter.  He is waiting to hear what the man has decided.
  3. Discussion and possible action regarding updating roads report: There was talk about the new dump truck that is on order and other possibilities.   Supervisor Amelse made the motion to authorize the funds from $240,000.00 for the new dump truck be moved to buying a lightweight dump truck not to exceed the amount of $140,000 having the loan with Citizen’s First Bank for 6-10 years. Chair Engh seconded all in favor motion carried.
  1. Approval of Bills:  Supervisor Amelse moved to approve and pay the monthly bills, Chair Engh seconded, all in favor motion carried.
  1. Review building permits:  We had one for a Kyle Prorock to build a pole shed on Gore Hollow.  All paperwork is in order, so it was approved by Chair Engh.
  2. Second period for public comment: Chris Abrahamson inquired about the re-assessment for tax purposes.  We will re-evaluate this in September.

Anne Orso asked about the road condition on Gore Hollow and why it hasn’t been taken care of, Chair Engh explained it is too dry right now.

  1. Next meeting is August 29, 2023, at 6:30 Pm for the special meeting and Sept 11, 2023 for the regular board meeting.
  2. Future Agenda Items: Insurance decision, town Hall Wash Bay, AARPA Funds, winter road maintenance and Tax re-assessment
  3. Supervisor Amelese moved that we adjourn the meeting at 8:38 PM. Seconded by Chair Engh, all in favor motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Sharon Engh