Town Of Liberty Board Meeting Minutes, July 10, 2023

July 10, 2023
Liberty Town Hall, E10491 Gore Hollow, Rd, Viola, WI 54664

Board members present:  Chair Orlin Engh, Supervisor Townsley, Treasurer Abrahamson, Clerk Engh

Absent:  Supervisor Amelse

The meeting was called to order by Chair Orlin Engh at 6:30pm.

  1. The minutes were approved to put on file by Chair Engh, seconded by Supervisor Townsley, all in favor, motion carried.
  2. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Abrahamson gave his report and is on file.  He also investigated opening a savings account per the request of Supervisor Amelse.  We will talk more about it at the August meeting.  Treasurer Abrahamson also said there is $30,244.67 in the AARPA fund.
  3. Recycling Attendant’s report: None
  1. Public Comment: Terry Theis reminded us as to the dates for spending the AARPA funds.
  1. Town Announcements: We learned that the state aid that they were hoping to award each town is not going to be as much as they hoped.  The larger towns received most of it.
  1. Discussion and possible action for keeping Terry Theis as the chair of the Viola Fire Board: Chair Engh moved that Terry Theis remain as the chair for the Viola Fire Board since he is doing a good job and agreed to stay on. Seconded by Supervisor Townsley, all in favor, motion carried.
  1. Discussion and possible action regarding the intersection of Hwy. 56 and Gore Hollow Road: Ray Reynes was present and shared his concerns about the intersection and the voice mail message he received on how to handle it.   Chair Engh said he would go to the County Building and discuss the options with the State superintendent and also talk about Willow Road.
  1. Discussion and possible action regarding the town hall renovations: Randy did come back and gave several suggestions that could cost the town over $10,000. The board would like a quote from Randy before proceeding with anything.
  1. Discussion and possible action regarding winter road maintenance: No action was taken for tonight.
  1. Discussion and possible action regarding updating roads report: there have been a lot of no shows and no call backs from inquiries.  We will need to go to someone else to look at the round abouts and turn arounds.
  1. Discussion and possible action for renting a Boom mower: Chair Engh moved to rent a Boom Mower from Simpson’s in Richland Center at $100 an hour for 24 hours.  Supervisor Townsley seconded, all in favor motion carried.
  1. Approval of Bills:  Supervisor Townsley moved to approve and pay the monthly bills, Chair Engh seconded, all in favor motion carried.
  1. Review building permits:  We need to start sending out letters of Violations for people that are not requesting building permits, the Wallace property is a good example.  No action was taken.
  1. Second period for public comment: Paul asked about the tax account, how can or does that money get used?

And then we need to discuss the Lawyer that we have and possible getting a new one.

  1. Next meeting is August 14, 2023, 6:30pm at the Liberty Town Hall.
  2. Chair Engh moved that we adjourn the meeting at 7:40pm. Seconded by Supervisor Townsley, all in favor motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Sharon Engh