Town of Liberty Special Board Meeting
Liberty Town Hall
June 15, 2023
9:00 am
- The Town of Liberty monthly town board meeting was called to order on Thursday, June 15, 2023, at 9:00 am at the Liberty Town Hall with Chairman Orlin Engh presiding.
- There were no public comments
- Orlin presented the board with his upcoming cataracts surgery. Supervisor Amelse said that he is willing to be on call for any emergencies that need to be taken care of, like small trees that have fallen. Chair Engh would still be the contact person, and then if he is unable to do it, he will call Supervisor Amelse.
- There was much discussion about the future of our winter maintenance. We talked about having it contracted out first, then the county helps out when needed. Orlin can still run the grader if needed. At the July board meeting there will be a report about the possibility of posting for bids from companies and a decision made by August.
- Turn arounds will need to be put in or upgraded if other companies or county will do the winter maintenance. Cushman, Willow, Reed and Hall will need some work. The board, supervisors and chair will get together and look at all of them and talk to the land owners it will affect. It will be posted as to when that will happen.
- For the trees that are hanging over the road and the bursh that needs cutting. Supervisor Amelse moved to authorize Chair Engh to get the help he needs to do brush cutting and any other misc. things around and on the town roads. Seconded by Supervisor Townsley, all in favor motion carried.
- Chair Engh moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:41 am, seconded by Supervisor Amelse, all in favor, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Engh
Liberty Town Clerk