Town of Liberty Board Meeting
Liberty Town Hall
June 12, 2023
6:30 pm
- The Town of Liberty monthly town board meeting was called to order on Monday, June 12, 2023, at 6:30pm at the Liberty Town Hall with Chairman Orlin Engh presiding.
- Supervisor Amelse moved that the minutes be approved and put on file. Sconded by Chair Engh, all in favor, motion carried.
- Treasurer Abrahamson read the treasurer’s report. (See attached)
- Recycling attendant’s report- Paul said that an average of 42-62 people come to the dump weekly with about 30 gallons of trash.
- Public comment 1st period, each person will have 5 minutes:
Richard Anderson was present and brought up several issues. One was the dark sky ordiance and that he is now in compliance, and he would like to know when the meetings are in the future. We directed him to the website, the dump and the town hall where the agendas are posted.
Brian Jones came with a question about building permits as well as Kia Workowski - Town Announcements: Supervisor Amelse told us about a letter, that we got, from Loren Oldenburg about the state budget and if it passes we would get an increase of 310% in state aid. Chris also called to verify this letter and if it passes it is true for every year.
- Discussion and update on Duck Creek Road. Steve Cotrell was present and said he is ready to get quotes and decide what direction he will go with either asphalt or sealcoat.
- Discussion and possible action on cell phone for the Chairman: Supervisor Amelse moved that we pursue getting a cell phone from AT&T for the amount of $37.49 a month. Seconed by Supervisor Townsley, all in favor, motion carried.
- Discussion and possible action regarding receiving per diems for workshops and conferences attended: Supervisor Amelse moved that if a board member attends a virtual workshop or conference they receive a per diem per class. Chair Engh seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
- Discussion and possible action regarding approving liquor licenses and operator licenses for Liberty Bar and Viola Sportsman’s Club: We did get one from the Viola Sportman’s bar, but didn’t take action. They have until July. There were no concerns mentioned.
- Discussion and updates about the town hall renovations: There were none.
- Chair Engh moved that items 12 & 13 be moved to a special meeting on Thursday, June 15th, at 9:00 am at the Liberty Town Hall. Supervisor Townsley seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
- Discussion and possible action regarding work road needing to be done: Supervisor Amelse moved that the roadwork needing to be done on Chadwick Hollow and Willow Road, invloving an Escavator and truck time, and contracted out be done. Seconded by Supervisor Townsley, all in favor motion carried.
- Discussion and possible action regarding updating Town of Liberty Building Permits: Supervisor Amelse moved that if all future building permits are in order and all paperwork has been given that Chair Engh can approve them right away. If Chair Engh is not available, Supervisors Townsley or Amelse can approve them. Supervisor Townsley secoded, all in favor, motion carried.
- Second period for public comment (limit 5 minutes): Brian Jones had a concern about his neighbor with the pigs, and what can be done about it since it is on a private road. Chair Engh gave suggestions, but also said we as a board should look into it in the future.
- Review & approval on monthly bills: Supervisor Amelse moved that we approve the monthly bills, seconded by Chair Engh, all in favor, motion carried.
- All future agenda items must be sent to the email address of the clerk.
- Next meeting date will be July 10, 2023, 6:30pm at the Liberty Town Hall.
- Supervisor Amelse moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:04pm. Chair Engh seconded all in favor, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Engh
Liberty Town Clerk