Town Of Liberty Board Meeting Minutes, May 8, 2023

Town of Liberty Board Meeting
Liberty Town Hall
May 8, 2023
6:30 pm

Board members present:  Chair Orlin Engh, Supervisor Bill Townsley, Clerk Sharon Engh, and Treasurer Chris Ambrahamson

  1. The meeting was called to order by chair Engh at 6:30pm.
  2. Motion to approve the minutes from 4/18/2023 by Chair Engh, Supervisor Townsley seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
  3. The treasurer’s report was read and put on file.
  4. Road Report was given by Chair Engh. Most of the roads have been bladed.  New cutting edges are needed for the grader, Terry Theis volunteered to help put those on with Chair Engh.  We need to get busy to make the turnarounds in better shape, Jason Fortney will be called to put more rock on for the roads.
  5. Recycling Attendant’s report: Paul said there was 80 yards of junk in some hole in the ground.  The clean-up days were well attended, and everyone was in good spirits.
  6. First period for public comments: Chris said that it was government municipal clerk appreciation day, and thanked Sharon and Terry for the all the work currently and in the past.  He also thanked Paul for all the work at the town clean-up days.
  7. Town Announcements:
    Catherine Fox is doing a great job on the website.  Everything is caught up and current.
    The emails are a work in progress.
  1. Discussion and possible action regarding dumpster service for the Town of Liberty: Paul let us know that GFL was overcharging us from January.  We are currently going to pay $655 a month, which is a 3% increase. Chair Engh moved that we continue with GFL, Supervisor Townsley seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
  2. Chair Engh moved to remove item #9 from the agenda, Supervisor Townsley seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
  3. Discussion and possible action for mowing around the Town Hall: After much discussion, Chair Engh moved to have Tim Bender mow around the Town Hall for $40 a time. Seconded by Supervisor Townsley, all in favor, motion carried.
  4. Discussion and possible action for the chair to have town cell phone: This was tabled for next month, Chair Engh will come to the meeting with numbers to share as to the cost.
  5. Discussion and possible action regarding the Town Hall renovations: No action was taken, but there was discussion about Randy Jacobson’s ideas.  We will talk more about it in future meetings.
  6. Review and approve monthly bills: Supervisor Townsley moved to approve and pay the monthly bills, seconded by Chair Engh.  All in favor motion carred.
  7. Review and approve building permits: There were a couple.  Wade Lawler is removing a building and putting in a different one.  Same size, everything is in order.  Gary Linton is building a 12×12 storage shed. Everything is in order.  Supervisor Townsley moved to approve these, Chair Engh seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
  8. Second period for public comment: Carol Theis mentioned to the board that if there is no second to the motion it just dies.
  9. Future Agenda items: Cell phone for chair, Town Hall renovations, Steve Cotrell’s road, Liquor License approvals,  and anything else goes to the Town clerk. Terry Theis recommended that we talk about paying a per diem for on-line training.
  10. Next meeting will be at the Town Hall, at 6:30 pm, on June12th, 2023
  11. Chair Engh moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:45pm, Seconded by Supervisor Townsley.  All in favor, motion carried.