Town Of Liberty Board Meeting Minutes, April 18, 2023

Town of Liberty Board Meeting
Viola Fire Station
April 18, 2023

Board members present: Chair Terry Theis, Supervisor Sharon Engh, Supervisor Adrian Amelse, and Treasurer Heidi Stendel

  1. The meeting was called to order by chair Terry Theis at 6:44 pm.
  2. Chair Theis updated us about the February meeting and item #10 on the agenda. He had talked to the lawyer and WTA about wording. Supervisor Amelse moved that we accept the wording as given, it is factual. Second by Supervisor Engh. All in favor. Motion carried.
  3. Minutes from the March meeting were read. Supervisor Engh moved that we approve the minutes, seconded by Supervisor Amelse. All in favor. Motion carried.
  4. Discussion and possible action on signing Building Permit and Driveway/Fire Number.
  5. Treasurer’s report. Chair Theis read the report that was left. It is on file.
  6. Review and approve monthly bills: Supervisor Amelse moved that we pay the bills for the month, seconded by Supervisor Engh. All in favor. Motion carried.
  7. New town elected officials were sworn in by Chair Theis. Orlin Engh as the new Chair, Bill Townsley as the new Supervisor, and Adrian Amelse as the incoming Supervisor. Karen Peterson declined to be Treasurer. Thank you to all the outgoing officers and for the the hard work accomplished over the last two years.
  8. Closed session per Wis Stats 19.85 (1)–considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governing body has jurisdiction for exercises responsibility. Town Clerk and Town Treasurer application review for hiring. Supervisor Amelse moved to go into closed session, Supervisor Townsley seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
  9. When the board reconvened in open session it was decided that Chris Abrahamson will be hired as the treasurer with a year salary of $4000. This was a 3-0 vote. The Clerk’s position will be filled by Sharon Engh with a yearly salary of $6000, with a review in 2-3 years for any adjustments. This was a 2 yes, 1 abstention vote. Supervior Amelse moved that all who are authorized to sign checks for the Town of Liberty (Chair Engh, Treasurer Chris Abrahamson, and Clerk Sharon Engh) be given the authorization to do so. Seconded by Supervisor Townsley. All in favor. Motion carried.
  10. The newly hired officers were sworn by Chair Engh.
  11. Supervisor Amelse moved that we move the gravel bids discussion up on the agenda, seconded by Supervisor Townsley. Motion carried.
  12. Opening of gravel bids with discussion and possible action on awarding gravel contract: We had two bids from the same company, one for hauling and one without. It will be $7.70 a ton and $12.40 with hauling. We will receive 2000 yards. Jason Fortney will do the hauling. Supervisor Amelse moved that we go ahead with this, seconded by Supervisor Townsley. All in favor. Motion carried.
  13. Patrolman’s Report: All equipment is in working order. Grader work has been done; roads are in decent shape. The old truck has been in La Farge. No work yet as to what the problems are. There has been an increase in dumping along the roadsides.
  14. Recycling Attendant’s Report: None.
  15. First public comment: Terry Theis encouraged the new board members to go to the spring training workshops that are available for the Wisconsin Towns Association. There are also municipal clerk and treasurer’s training as well. This is virtual training.
    1. Terry also presented checks from the Forrest and Cropland from the State of WI, Refund from Rural Mutual, told us about a gambling credit from the state, and a check for a fire number, which $60 goes to the Town and $40 goes to him.
    2. Open book is May 4th at the Town Hall from noon-2 with the tax assessor. Board of Review is Thursday May 11, from 6-8 at the Town Hall.
    3. Susan Mueller wanted an application for the patrolman position. She knows someone interested who as a CDL.
    4. Adrian brought up a list of things he would like us to remember. It is attached to these minutes.
    5. Paul reiterated what Adrian mentioned and also said it would be nice for the residents of the Town to be updated and informed more often as to what is happening in the Town. Keep the people informed.
  16. Town Announcements: combined with pubic comments
  17. Discussion and possible action regarding dumpster servicing for the Town of Liberty: Supervisor Amelse moved that he talked to Stacy from the County Landfill. He and Paul will go to GFL in Viroqua and give the results of the conversation to Sharon by early next week. Seconded by Supervisor Townsley. All in favor. Motion carried.
  18. Discussion and possible action for the dates change of the April meeting: The Annual meeting will start at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, April 18th at the Viola Fire Station. the regular board meeting will be after that, with the swearing in of new officers, who will then take over the meeting.
  19. Approval of building permits. There were two. One from Steve Cottrel for a new house all papers were in order. Second one is from Kevin Shellcross to move in a building across the road for people to spend the weekend or evenings in. All paperwork is in order. Supervisor Amelse moved that we approve the permits as submitted. Chair Engh seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
  20. Second period for pubic comment: Chris Abrahamson asked about the PO Box and whose name is on it. Terry is going to double check on that. Chris asked about transition and board transfer for signing and banking purposes, the motion was made to okay this. Motion carried (see Item 11).
  21. Future agenda items: Sanitation services. Patrolman job.
  22. Meeting was moved to adjourn by Supervisor Amelse, seconded by Chair Engh. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.