Town Of Liberty Board Meeting Minutes, April 12, 2021

Board Meeting Minutes

Monday, April 12, 2021 at 6:30pm
Viola Fire Station Conference Room

Chairman Terry Theis called the monthly meeting of the Town of Liberty to order at 6:30pm on Monday, April 12, 2021 at the Viola Fire Station.  Members present were Terry Theis, Nicole Rakobitsch, Adrian Amelse, Treasurer Karen Peterson and Clerk Lori Polhamus. 

New town board officials were announced:  Sharon Engh (Supervisor), Heidi Stendel (Treasurer) and Kendra Reynolds (Clerk).  All present for meeting.

2. Clerk, Lori Polhamus read the minutes of the March 8, 2021 regular town meeting.  Motion by Rakobitsch/second by Amelse to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as read.  All in favor.  Motion carried. 

3. Treasurer’s Report:  (report attached) Peterson read the Treasurer’s report.  Beginning cash balance as of 3/1/21 was $8,340.00 and an ending cash balance as of 3/31/21 of $31,807.71 was reported.  Interest year to date on the General Fund was $2.87 and interest earned year to date on the Tax Account was $25.17.  There is $110,080.28 available in the tax account. 

4.  Patrolman’s Report: Orlin stated the roads, Chadwick and Willow, have soft spots on the road otherwise the roads are in good condition following the thaw.  Road bans have been lifted as of 4/12/21.  Issue with resident Mr. Riley using personal sweeper and pushing mud and roughly 200 yards of gravel off on side of road. Orlin requested member of Town Board go to speak to resident Mr. Riley regarding this issue.  In addition, the one bridge in the township has some rusty beamwork on the outside of the bridge.  Responsibility of bridge upkeep is split between Town of Viroqua and Liberty.  Orlin will reach out to Phil from Town of   Lastly, Orlin stated he is retiring in 2 years (2023) and will need to start looking for replacement.

5. Recycling Attendant Report: No updates to report.

6. First period for public comment (limit of 5 minutes): Recycling Attendant Paul requested that porta-potty at Town Hall remain open for residents who utilize it while walking as well as town officials/Recycling Attendant use. 

7. Town Announcements: Adrian confirmed that Liberty will be receiving $28,266.65 over the next two years from the Department of Treasury.  The money can be spent up to 2024 however, the Department of Treasury still needs to interpret what the money should be used for.  The Board will discuss how to allocate once more information is obtained and the Clerk will log and monitor where the money gets allocated.  Nikki Swayne, Lawyer, will get in touch with the Board on Gore Hollow Road turnaround with request to purchase the land.  April 2021 election saw 82 voters in Liberty.  The Kickapoo Pool referendum was passed.  Lastly, it is Severe Weather week.  On 4/15/21 there is a county-wide tornado drill at 1:45pm for all municipalities and again at 6:45pm for families to practice their safety plan.

8. Discussion on gravel bid opening with possible action: Milestone Materials provided the only bid (see attached) for 2700 tons of gravel at $7.43/ton or $10.03/cubic yard delivered.  Delivery would be an additional $2.43/ton.  As comparison, gravel bid was $9.78/cubic yard.  Motion by Amelse/second by Rakobitsch to approve bid as presented.  All in favor.  Motion carried.

9. Discussion with possible action on usage of Town porta-potty: Town Hall porta-potty has been used more throughout the winter by passerby’s and town’s people.  Adrian recommended having it remain open for town business.  Terry recommended we install a 5 ft. metal gate and two, 2” posts in front of it with a lock.  Keys would remain in the shop and the Town Hall.  Motion by Amelse/second by Rakobitsch to approve up to $125.00 for lock, keys, gate and two poles to be purchased and installed.  All in favor.  Motion carried.

10. Discussion with possible action on Town garage roof repairs: Terry received bid of almost $16,000 for insulating roof, walls and sealing roof with water based silicone. Two additional quotes requested.  Terry inspected roof: no rust however, rubber washers under screws are rotted out.  Roof leaks with snow melt and heavy rains on equipment.  Terry volunteered his own time to take one gallon sealant up and cover the screw heads to extend the life of the roof. 

11. Possible closed session per WI Stats 19.85 (1)(g) – conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved – James Allen ordinance fines.  Motion by Amelse/second by Rakobitsch to enter closed session at 7:08pm.  Roll call vote all in favor.  Motion carried. 

12. Reconvene in open session with possible action on items discussed during closed session – Motion by Amelse/second by Rakobitsch to reconvene in open session at 7:12pm.  Roll call vote all in favor.  Motion carried.  No action taken. 

13. Discussion/update with possible action on Zoning Ordinance:  Rakobitsch spoke to lawyer Nikki Swayne – need date set.  Report out will occur at the May 10, 2021 board meeting.  Rakobitsch will remain chair on Zoning Committee. 

14. Action & approval on monthly bills – Motion by Amelse/second by Rakobitsch to approve total bills of $18,166.82 as presented.  All in favor.  Motion carried.

15. Review/approval of building permits – Three building permits requested and approved by the county.  Orlin raised concerns with the responsiveness to residents requesting building permits.  Orlin will follow up with Ashley at Vernon County to request timely response when approving building permits.  Motion by Amelse/second by Rakobitsch to approve all three building permits.  All in favor.  Motion carried.

16. Second period for public comment (limit of 5 minutes) – Joel Johnson questioned where April election results could be found.  Election results are sent to Epitaph newspaper, however weren’t sent in time to be published.   Thank you to Nicole Rakobitsch, Treasurer Karen Peterson and Clerk Lori Polhamus for your time and service on the board. 

17. Future Agenda Items – update on James Allen case, zoning updates with possible action, road dust control and set up date for open book Board of Review.  Martin Chapin, Assessor, is not yet ready for Board of Review however, this must be completed between the 4th Thursday of April and the 2nd week of June 2021.  Will add to May 10, 2021 meeting agenda. 

Motion by Amelse/second by Rakobitsch to adjourn the meeting at 7:40pm.  All in favor.  Motion carried.

Minutes submitted by: Kendra Reynolds, Town Clerk