Meeting Minutes, Town Board, September 9, 2019


September 9, 2019

Chairman Terry Theis called the monthly meeting of the Town of Liberty to order at 6:30 pm. on Monday, September 9, 2019 at the Liberty Town Hall and proceeded with the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present were Terry Theis, Nicole Rakobitsch, Adrian Amelse, Treasurer Karen Peterson and Clerk Lori Polhamus.

2. Clerk Lori Polhamus read the minutes of the August 12, 2019 regular town meeting. The cleanup day should be listed as October 12thand not the 2nd. Motion by Amelse/second by Rakobitsch to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as corrected. All in favor. Motion carried.

3. Treasurer’s report. (report attached) Peterson read the Treasurer’s report. Beginning cash balance as of 8/1/19 was $24,807.13 and an ending cash balance as of 8/31/19 of $48,812.70 was reported. Interest year to date on the General Fund was $16.39 and interest earned year to date on the Tax Account was $69.96. There is $75,312.12 available in the tax account. Receipts included the tax settlement, towing insurance payment and building permits.

4. Patrolman's Report– Theis read the report that Orlin prepared. The equipment is in good working order. 1500 yards of gravel was put on the roads with 250 yards for winter mix will be mixed in early October when salt is available. The culvert was put in on Willow Road and gravel was hauled for 2019 flood work. Ditch work has been done on Gore Hollow, Chadwick Hollow, Scott Hollow and Ames Hill roads. The bank work and culvert on Chadwick will be done this week along with the culvert on Elk Run. Final rounds of mowing will start next week along with gravel to be finished on all roads. There is repair work to be done on Gore Hollow ¾ up the hill where the ditch has washed out and is eroding the road. All the no shining signs were put up and we may need one on County S at Kickapoo Town line.

5.First Period for public comment – Bunker Kelly shared the Bug Tussel contract with the board and updated them on the conversations he has had with them and that he is not going to let them use his land for a tower. Anne Orso stated there is a group meeting at the VFW regarding these towers and doesn't think Liberty Bar needs atvs to increase their business.

6.Town Announcements- October 12this cleanup day, there will be an emergency volunteer appreciation service at the fair on September 11that 7:00pm, there is a public hearing on 9/16 regarding the proposed countywide burn ban/illegal burning ordinance at 5:30pm in the County Board Room with action on this at the County Board on 9/17. In regards to use of the town truck, when the truck is being repaired, Orlin leaves his car in LaFarge and then brings the truck home. Once he has someone to take him back to his vehicle the truck goes back to the shop. In regards to hauling gravel we deliver this to anyone in the truck and he had a load of gravel delivered to his home. In regards to Carl using the truck, he does not live in Liberty so this will be addressed. Terry attended the Fire Board meeting last month and they will be buying equipment in which $7100 will be our responsibility at the end of the year and we will be looking at the contract again. Bruce Olson is requesting an explanation of Harrison versus Harrison Hollow Road.

7.Discussion with possible action on changes to town insurance coverage– there will be an additional charge for the two separate addresses of the shop and town hall. Polhamus will check with our agent for clarification on this, otherwise we are fine with our current coverage.

8. Reconsideration of ATV ordinance for Town Roads– Amelse stated he checked with the Highway Commissioner and 2/3 of the County have approved atv routes with six towns not allowing it with Bergen considering doing it. Concerns of noise and safety have been brought up with different amounts of people for and against so a possible referendum, public hearing or straw poll may be conducted prior to a final decision. This item was tabled for more info on public participation possibilities.

9.Discussion with decision on Gore Hollow Hill– we had a public hearing and presented the costs. Amelse and Rakobitsch are not in favor of closing the hill. A cost analysis of closing the road for the winter for a turnaround needs to be completed as only closing it part time would change the scope of the turnaround project. Rakobitsch questioned the sealcoating longevity and whether we should try this method. Terry will check with George Wilbur in regards to Class B roads in Whitestown and what they do. The info that needs to be obtained prior to further discussion will be costs, duration of closures if any, Class B info, turnaround costs, gates and easements with landowners.

10.Update from Zoning Committee– they met on 8/27 with guest George Wilbur who gave an overview of Whitestown's zoning ordinance which has only one district. The Cell tower variance was the first time they used their ordinance. It doesn't cover subdivisions or minimum lot size acreage. Their next meeting is 9/24 and they hope to bring something before the board in December.

11.Action & Approval on monthly billsMotion by Amelse/second by Rakobitsch to approve total bills of $ 10,839.71 as presented. All in favor. Motion carried.

12.Review of building permits (if any) - There were four permits for Jaclyn Barnes, Anne Orso and two for Erika Broser.

13.Second period for public comment – Evan Jones stated we should stay with gravel roads and not sealcoat and is upset that other entities are trying to decide what Chadwick Hollow is to be used for. Joel Johnson stated that neighboring towns are talking about Chadwick. Theis stated there is a meeting on 9/25 with other entities to talk about Chadwick. Anne Orso feels we need to do something sooner regarding the cell towers.

14.Future agenda items– Adrian will be gone for the October meeting. Discussion on new debt potential and capital budget planning.

Motion by Amelse/second by Rakobitsch to adjourn the meeting at 8:11 pm. All in favor. Motion carried.

Minutes submitted by: Lori Polhamus, Town Clerk