Meeting Minutes, January 14, 2019


January 14, 2019

Chairman Terry Theis called the monthly meeting of the Town of Liberty to order at 6:50 pm. on Monday, January 14, 2019 at the Liberty Town Hall following the Town Caucus and proceeded with the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present were Terry Theis, Nicole Rakobitsch, Treasurer Karen Peterson and Clerk Lori Polhamus. Supervisor Adrian Amelse was excused.

2. Clerk Lori Polhamus read the minutes of the December 10, 2018 regular town meeting. Motion by Rakobitsch/second by Theis to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as read. All in favor. Motion carried.

3. Treasurer’s report. (report attached) Peterson read the Treasurer’s report. Beginning cash balance as of 12/1/18 was $45,249.29 and an ending cash balance as of 12/30/18 of $30,234.74 was reported. Interest year to date on the General Fund was $27.89 and interest earned year to date on the Tax Account was $95.11. There is $179,361.11 available in the tax account.

4. Patrolman's Report– Orlin stated we will need more ice control materials soon, the truck needs to go into LaFarge Truck Center for new bolts and the FEMA paperwork is complete.

5.Period for public comment - Matt Hajzl asked for clarification on the email correspondence to residents which will be added to a future agenda. Kevin Dempsey asked when the ATV issue will be addressed and this will be discussed at the April meeting. Jason Vidas has concerns about the minimum acreage being proposed in the zoning ordinance and would prefer we stay the same. Wayde & Taryn Lawler presented a written note to the Board with their opposition to minimum acreage size.

6.Town Announcements-There will be a primary school board election on February 19, 2019 and we will be hosting Town of Webster since their polling location will not be open. We will be meeting with FEMA representatives on Wednesday to finish paperwork.

7.Discussion on Roberts Rules of Order and how town meeting is to be conducted-tabled until February meeting.

8.Discussion on road right of way and town responsibility– There are a number of issues regarding safe passage on our roads that need to be addressed. People are parking on the roads making it a hazard for snow plowing and mailboxes are being placed in the ditches that are obstructing water runoff. Utilities and their location of them has also become an issue in our road right of ways. These will be items coming forward on a future agenda.

9. Resolution adopting Vernon County Multi-Hazards Mitigation Plan 2018-2022– Motion by Nicole Rakobitsch/second by Terry Theis to approve resolution 019RS01 adopting the plan. All in favor. Motion carried.

10.Approval of 2019 Animal Care Provider Agreement– Motion by Nicole Rakobitsch/second by Terry Theis to approve the 2019 Animal Care Provider Agreement for dogs only for $625 along with the note that future contracts include a not to exceed number and documentations on all mass seizure situations if they were to occur. All in favor. Motion carried.

11.Discussion on review and updating of town ordinances– some of the ordinances have fees that need updating, some can be removed, some can be combined. We need to go through each one and flag what needs to be updated.

12. Discussion with possible action on zoning ordinance – Tabled until February.

13. Capital improvement plan discussion – Tabled as no new information.

14.Action & Approval on monthly billsMotion by Rakobitsch/second by Theis to approve total bills of $20,573.29 as presented. All in favor. Motion carried.

15.Review of building permits (if any) - none

16.Future agenda items– None

Motion by Rakobitsch/second by Theis to adjourn the meeting at 7:38 pm. All in favor. Motion carried.

Minutes submitted by: Lori Polhamus, Town Clerk