Meeting Minutes, August 13, 2018

Chairman Terry Theis called the monthly meeting of the Town of Liberty to order at 6:00 pm. on Monday, August 13, 2018 at the Liberty Town Hall and proceeded with the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present were Terry Theis, Adrian Amelse, Treasurer Karen Peterson and Clerk, Lori Polhamus. Supervisor Nicole Rakobitsch was excused.

2. Clerk read the minutes of the July 9, 2018 regular town meeting. Motion by Amelse/second by Theis to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as read. All in favor. Motion carried.

3. Treasurer’s report. (report attached) Peterson read the Treasurer’s report. Beginning cash balance as of 07/1/18 was $8,740.01 and an ending cash balance as of 7/31/18 of $16,748.09 was reported. Interest year to date on the General Fund was $15.89 and interest earned year to date on the Tax Account was $69.14. Receipts include managed forest, transportation aid, shared revenue, fire dues and building permits.

4. Town Announcements – Primary election is tomorrow. October 13th is fall cleanup day. September 7th is Vernon County’s hazardous waste cleanup from 9-2. Premier Coop is changing the shop tank from 500 gallons to 1000 gallons and installing a level monitor at no cost.

5. Discussion with possible action on Vernon County Highway Hold Harmless Agreement – There was a question as to what the agreement covers so a motion was made by Amelse/second by Theis to table the agreement until the September meeting. All in favor. Motion carried. Amelse will talk to Mike Leis and Theis will talk to Phil Hewitt.

6. Discussion with possible action on electrical upgrades to Town buildings – when the fiber optic was going in the power was cut at the town hall. Theis updated the fuses in the town hall to 100 amps. Motion by Amelse/second by Theis to explore electrical upgrades for the Town buildings and go out for quotes. All in favor. Motion carried.

7. Discussion on Assessor contract/options for 2019 – Theis would like to talk with original three to see if all are still interested if we were to get quotes again. Amelse would like to talk with Chapin first to see how the past year has gone and expectations met. Motion by Amelse/second by Theis to request Chapin attend the September board meeting to give an assessor update, computer update, priorities & goals along with cost and charges for a possible new contract. All in favor. Motion carried.

8. Discussion with possible action on employee policies/payroll – a payroll policy was discussed to have paydays fall on the the second and fourth Mondays of the month with the payroll end date of the Friday prior. Motion by Amelse/second by Theis to adopt the payroll policy effective immediately. All in favor. Motion carried. Theis will give Orlin a copy of the policy.

9. Discussion with possible action on ATV ordinance – Our current Town roads are not part of an ATV ordinance and if we want to open our County roads we would have to give the County the approval. The general consensus of public present did not want to open the roads up to ATVs, however a public hearing was requested. Motion by Amelse/second by Theis to add the ATV ordinance to the November electors meeting as a public hearing. All in favor. Motion carried.

10. Capital improvement plan discussion with possible project estimates – no update – tabled until the September meeting.

11. Action & Approval on monthly billsMotion by Amelse/second by Theis to approve total bills of $13,826.42 as presented. All in favor. Motion carried.

12. Review of building permits (if any) – There was one permit reviewed for Ron & Marsha Hall.

13. Period for public comment – David Klann stated the driveway permit is now on the website.

14. Future agenda items – Equipment needed for ditch work on Willow Road and other items already noted within these minutes.

Motion by Amelse/second by Theis to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 pm. All in favor. Motion carried.

Minutes submitted by: Lori Polhamus, Town Clerk